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contactipedia - tour guides all over the world cater to groups of business people when they arrive in the prospective towns or cities they are visiting. Tour guides help these business people on their journeys to buy and sell wherever they are arriving promogram.org - tour guides all over the world cater to groups of business people when they arrive in the prospective towns or cities they are visiting. Tour guides help these business people on their journeys to buy and sell wherever they are arriving. Sellers meet these business people. Tour guides introduce them. The business people find that because they have grouped together they enjoy a buyer's market. The tour guides have connected business people (who we now realize are all buyers) with sellers in various destination points. The sellers also have an umbrella group that they work under. It's called promogram.org. whatstv - tour guides all over the world cater to groups of business people when they arrive in the prospective towns or cities they are visiting. Tour guides help these business people on their journeys to buy and sell wherever they are arriving promogram.org - tour guides all over the world cater to groups of business people when they arrive in the prospective towns or cities they are visiting. Tour guides help these business people on their journeys to buy and sell wherever they are arriving. Sellers meet these business people. Tour guides introduce them. The business people find that because they have grouped together they enjoy a buyer's market. The tour guides have connected business people (who we now realize are all buyers) with sellers in various destination points. The sellers also have an umbrella group that they work under. It's called promogram.org The tour guides also introduce these same travelers to a group of individuals who similar to promogram.org sellers want to sell. But they tend to have more blue color and white color jobs. They have less time. They are there to interact with everyone. They are there to enjoy themselves. This group is called whatsTV.net. *please make this video understandable to an international audience. also please keep the music